The successful integration of information technology and patient-based oncology data

What we do For community Oncology Care Providers

EMOL Health offers the alignment of disparate medical informatic systems, bridging the gaps between multiple technologies; creating an integrated and normalized dataset for cohesive workflow and generating actionable clinically supported reports.

Turning electronic medical records from transaction-based data to usable, evidence-based information, EMOL Health’s warehousing provides the platform and the people to protect and retrieve your valuable clinical data.

What we do For bioscience and research support

EMOL Health harnesses our volumes of pooled patient data and practice patterns to provide the biosciences with unparalleled depth of data and the team to help answer not only the statistical factors but also the reasons for these clinical decisions.

EMOL Health understands that advances in clinical patient care follows the real-world evidence.

What EMOL Health Offers


Oncology Care Providers


Oncology Patients


Individual clinical and patient-related data points

Contact us to request a demonstration and learn how we can support you.